KCFA Statement On Orlando Massacre
By Dr. Joseph B. Onyango Okello
Part of the difficulty arising from issuing a statement about the killings in Orlando is the fact that my family and I live in closer proximity to the crime scene than most of us reading this statement. What can anyone say in situations where the finality of violent senseless death takes its iron grip on the soul of a loved one?
The taking away of human life in the manner witnessed by the terrified victims was not justified by any stretch of imagination. No matter how strongly people feel about the cause for which they stand, such feelings do not warrant any attempts to slay individuals with whom they remain ideologically at odds.
Kenya Christian Fellowship in America mourns the lives lost during this terrible massacre, and continues to pray that God will give the family members of the victims enough courage to walk through the tough days ahead.
Our prayer is that in the midst of so much pain, anguish and sorrow, some sense of normalcy will be recaptured even if going back to business as usual may remain elusive. How this will happen is a question only God can answer. No matter how much we try to pontificate on this issue, we only succeed in aggravating the wounds already inflicted.
For this reason, we can only pray that God will bring the needed healing, be it physical or otherwise, to the surviving victims in a way that will enable them to pick up the broken pieces and find refuge in Christ’s saving grace, for He is still on the throne even in such situations.