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Thank you for renewing your membership at KCFA; please fill the form below. You can select either one time payment or annual recurring payment.
- $50 Annual Registration Fee is renewable annually
- Registration Fee covers each individual member, not families
- Membership fee is due from all individuals 16 years and above
Member Testimonial
I am happy for the Lord to have shown me His light. One to know Him in a personal way at an early age, and two, to have exposed me to KCFA. KCFA has been an eye opener to many things in my life. My urge to all of you., whenever you have time to serve God do it and more so through KCFA. You will never regret why you choose to serve Him who liveth. God keep you.
Hi everybody. When my family and I first arrived in America 7 years ago, guess who was the first person to help us was a KCFA member through the brethren in Raleigh NC. As you all may be familiar with when you first arrive here you are totally confused. It was in December and very cold so we are trying to connect from the Port of Entry in Logon to Raleigh and in the process the plane left us. This was a very bad experience with the whole family, so we started calling for help from Raleigh where our daughter and the brethren were waiting for us.
Anyway by the grace of God they connected us with one member of the KCFA there and who drove for 1 hour or more to come and pick us. It is later when I started realizing how far that brother came from to come and pick us. This brother and his wife allowed us to sleep in their house in our first night in America.
Since then I have been a supporter of this ministry in prayers and in any way i can with my family. Today I am one of the Leaders in my Chapter and I thank God for this far he has brought us. I can tell a lot of the goodness of the Lord and I want to serve him and worship him all the days of my life.
Congratulations KCFA. I found this website to be user friendly and had to click just 2 times to get the information I need. As a member of KCFA and a Chapter leader I want to commend you for this step forward. KCFA has been a great blessing in our lives in good and in bad times. We thank the Lord when we remember all KCFA past and present leaders and members. God bless this ministry. “Don’t get tired of doing good.” (Galatians 6:9)
May you continue impacting change to this generation as we live and leave to heaven.
P.O. Box 12506,
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27601
KCFA is a 501(c)(3) organization.
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